the last digital only cover

Big News! Adding 5th Print issue!

We’re pretty excited to announce that the digital-only November/December issue will be complemented with a printed version starting in 2020.

Since 2015, when we began offering digital versions of our issues, we’ve run the final edition of the year only in a digital format.

After signing on with a new printer, we’re happy to announce that all five Connecticut Gardener issues will be printed and digitized, allowing our readers — many of whom are hard-core print lovers — to settle in for the winter with their print issue.

November/December will become November-February, straddling the new year and containing content and advertising relevant to the gardener’s dream time, when we let our imaginations run wild and start planning for the next season.

There will be no increase in pricing for our subscribers, and we’ll keep the current options as they are.